Powers is Military.com (and Kit Up!)

Ward has a great post over at Defense Tech today about the company commander for Angel Company, 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment who we spent a good amount of time with over in Afghanistan during our embed.

Ward has a great post over at Defense Tech today about the company commander for Angel Company, 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment who we spent a good amount of time with over in Afghanistan during our embed.

Capt. Josh Powers was roughed up by an insurgent IED a couple days ago and was recently awarded the Purple Heart for his battlefield wounds. Powers is a graduate of VMI, which is near and dear to my heart since I went to UVA and have a bunch of friends who went to VMI as well. He's so good at what he does, his next assignment will be in the snake eater community (he asked me not to say what it is, but those BTDTs could easily guess).

The cool thing about Powers is that despite some reports we got before we met him that he was a bit stiff and serious, he could not have been a more fun and open guy to hang out with while we griftedoff him and his men for a few days. He's got a ton of experience with two combat tours to Iraq and was a great sounding board for lots of issues, including gear, tactics, strategy and ROE.

One evening when we were shooting the breeze in the TOC, I slipped him an official Military.com nametape in MultiCam. He immediately put it on his ACUs and kept up the conversation. After a bit of smoking and joking, he got up to do some paperwork in his office and I reminded him he still had the Military.com tape on.

He looked down to his blouse witha start, tore off the tape and joked "I'd better not let my chain of command see me with this on...it's MultiCam..."

Unfortunately for him, I snapped a pic with my iPhone as proof...hey, you can't bust a guy who just earned a Purple Heart, can you?

We wish him and his guys all the best and know they'll hop right back up on that saddle and keep taking it to the enemy.