Alert: Female Soldiers are 'Not as Straight as Men Are'

As the Army wrestles with the frontline demand for OCP uniforms, the service has just announced plans for a female-only version of their ACUs.

This from the official release: "Changes being evaluated in PEO's re-designed uniform include 13 sizes in both the jacket and trousers, an elastic waistband, a more spacious hip area, a shortened crotch length, a more tailored jacket, and re-positioned rank and name tapes."

"Women have so many different shapes and sizes, we're as not as 'straight' as men are," said Maj. Sequana Robinson, assistant product manager for uniforms at PEO Soldier, who is currently testing one of the female-only ACUs.

Robinson admitted that when she first heard of the new test uniform, she doubted the need for a female fit.

"Once I put the uniform on, I immediately loved it," she said. "The first thing I did when I tried on the uniform was to lift my knees up and squat because I don't want something hugging or showing the contour of my body ... it has even more room than I thought."

The ever-speedy acquisitions machine plans to have these uniforms on the street by (wait for it) . . . 2014.