Pick an Exercise...Any Exercise

A tipster pointed us in the direction of an interesting and entertaining way to liven up your fitness routine -- and maybe even provide a whole new wrinkle to passing the time at the Combat Oupost when the Taliban has taken a siesta.

A tipster pointed us in the direction of an interesting and entertaining way to liven up your fitness routine -- and maybe even provide a whole new wrinkle to passing the time at the Combat Oupost when the Taliban has taken a siesta.

Called FitDeck, the intriguing new product provides exercise junkies with a graphic representation of a host of arm pumping, chest tweaking and stomach crunching workouts all packaged in a tidy pack of cards than can fit easily in any trooper's kit bag.

The company has a range of workout card packs from "Pilates" to "Junior" and "Senior" to "Yoga." What might interest the folks in the fight is FitDeck's "Body Weight" package, which features all kinds of Navy SEAL-esque tortures...

FitDeck Bodyweight is our original and most popular deck of Exercise Playing Cards. It contains illustrations & instructions describing 50 upper, middle, lower, and full body exercises.

As the name suggests, these are bodyweight-only exercises - and do no require any equipment. FitDeck Bodyweight provides a great foundation for any FitDeck collection.

They always say it's a good idea to randomize your workouts, so maybe this little piece of kit will help keep the spare tire from cropping up after months of FOB food.