Blackhawk! Bought by ATK



The headline says it all.

In the "Industry Intel" category today, Kit Up learned yesterday that our good friends at one of the nation's leading tactical gear design and manufacturing firms, Blackhawk!, has been sold to ammo maker ATK.

ATK's newly formed Security and Sporting business group, a leading manufacturer of ammunition, optics, reloading and shooting accessories, has acquired BLACKHAWK! Products Group. BLACKHAWK! joins Eagle Industries as part of Security and Sporting's Tactical Systems division and creates a market force in tactical accessories.

So it looks like ATK is edging into the lucrative tactical gear marketby acquiring Blackhawk's vast portfolio of pouches, packs, holsters, headwear and threads.

I'm not sure what the down low is on whether folks at Blackhawk are pleased with the move or how this will affect their employees, but it's a huge move for former SEAL and Blackhawk founder Mike Noell.

The company was founded in 1993 by former Navy SEAL Mike Noell. It all started with a failed pack in a mine field in Iraq that inspired Noell to create his own line of gear to perform when it was needed most. That promise has delivered a full offering of tactical products that have become trusted by a wide range of customers with specialized needs worldwide.

Blackhawk was a private company, so officials wouldn't release the financials. But ATK is a veritable colosus, pulling in upwards of $5 billion annually with an employee base of 18,000 in 22 states.