Stiring the pot with the ZT0100



Submitted by akdoug

Time to stir the pot.

The K-Bar is a great knife and has served a very long and distinguished service life and is owed a great deal of respect. I have my Grand Father's USMC Ka-Bar from WWII and love it, although no longer used I take a great deal of pride in it.

Over the years technological advances have allowed for the creation of new steels that are far more superior to that of the K-Bar. If you have not seen it take a look at the new ZT 0100 made by ZT a division of Kershaw knives, designed by Ken Onion and the guys at Strider knives you just can't beat it. Far superior steels, easier to sharpen and stays sharp longer and made in the USA.

My 2 cents

Ok, hit me now :)

ED -- OK Doug, I'm going to hit you now :)  The ZT0100 is, as you say, impressive.  Yet of all it's listed qualities, the one that truly scares me is it's price tag -- $294.99.  That's a lot to drop on a tool.  With my Ka-Bar I wasn't afraid to pound with it, trench with it, or hack wire with it, but for that kind of money I might think twice about doing so.  However, inasmuch as you're a proponent of the ZT0100 how does it hold up to abuse?

Get the ZT0100 here