The Do-All Cord

Submitted by Dan Jelito

Submitted by Dan Jelito

550 Parachute cord

550 cord is the "end all, be all" essential piece of kit to keep handy. Good for everything from tying down loose or noisy gear, stringing up your poncho for shelter, using as a laundry line or as replacement bootlaces, using the inner strands for sewing or fishing line.  The outer casing is good for silencing your dog tag chain -- the list of uses just goes on and on.  And it doesn't take up that much space.

Submitted by Rob Hetrick

That blessedly thin yet surprising strong and lightweight piece of specially woven string is worth it's weight in gold to a Grunt. Need to tie your gear down? 550 Cord. Need dummy cord your gear on? 550 Cord. Sleeping mat strings broken? 550 Cord. Nothing to secure your shelter half with? 550 Cord (might be dating myself on that last one). M2 .50 Cal need a hasty sling? 550 Cord! There is literally nothing you cannot tie in place...FOREVER...with 550 cord.

Buy this 550 parachute cord