What 'Chesty' Puller Writes Home During the Korean War

U.S. Marine Brig. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller strides along a narrow trail in the battle area during the Korean War on May 12, 1951. (AP Photo)

As Always Your Loving Husband

"God is helping us; so do not worry."

As Always Your Loving Husband

"God is helping us; so do not worry."

Contributed by Lewis Puller
USMC Lt. Gen.
Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller to his wife after the retreat from Chosin, Korea, 1950

Dec. 9, 1950


I understand that the news back home is to the effect that the First Marine Division is cut off, surrounded by the Chinese, etc. etc. ... God is helping us; so do not worry, Virginia. I am confident that I will get back home to come for you, Virginia Mc, Martha Leigh and little Lewis. Believe me! My love for you will last forever, Virginia, even into the next life and then on. The hardest thing that I have ever done was to tell you goodbye.

As always your loving husband

Dec. 20, 1950

My Dearest Virginia:

Just a quick message to let you know that I am well and safe. With the help of the Almighty and no other unit or person, my Regiment is on the beach at Hungnam and will be aboard ship before the day is over. I am thankful to the good God for all his blessings.

Your Loving Husband

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