Andrew S. Low

Letters From a Prisoner of War

"I did not mean to worry anyone, it just happened that way."

Letters From a Prisoner of War

"I did not mean to worry anyone, it just happened that way."

Contributed by Laurinda Low Willis on behalf of her father, Major Andrew S. Low, USAAF

Major Andrew S. Low was shot down July 31, 1944, captured and taken to Stalag Luft III, liberated on April 29, 1945, and returned home on June 22, 1945.

Postmarked 29.9.44

Dear Mother and Dad-

Well, here I am if you have been wondering about me. I did not mean to worry anyone, it just happened that way. Right now I am in the camp hospital getting some burns patched up. My left wrist has to be splinted as it heals so that it will be normal. I am well fed, thanks to the Red Cross who have also given each POW a personal kit, and getting plenty of sleep. I am to live with British officers but Dick Scott is also in the same building so we can talk old times. The Doctor I now have is also British. My letter writing is limited but I can receive any amount. Any letters about people from anyone will be most welcome. My address is on the reverse side. -I do hope that you both have had a good summer and are in the best of health. I will miss both your birthdays this year but I will be thinking of you with best wishes for many more. Give my love to Mary and Keith and tell them I am OK and happy. Until we are all back together again keep happy and cheerful and everything will turn out for the best.

All my love -- Andy

"Though still in the hospital I am in good shape."

Datum: August 26, 1944

Dear Mother and Dad -

A short note to let you know that I am very fine and hoping that all is well with you. I have written to Helen. Though still in the hospital I am in good shape and healing very well. My left wrist is stiff but will be all right soon. All I do is sleep and eat - and peel the spuds once in awhile! For now -


Datum: September 20, 1944

Dear Mother and Dad

-- Just a short note to say that all is well with me and I hope the same is true at home. We are fairly comfortable here but there is no place like home. In camp, life is quite different than the hospital. The food is wholesome but monotonous. More later.

Love - Andy

Datum: October 29, 1944

Dear Mother and Dad,

-- A short note to say that I am fine and hope that you both are well. I am also hoping that there will be mail from you soon as I wonder how everything is at home. Food seems to be our big problem now. We get enough to get by on {blacked out by censor}. Anything you could … Red Cross…

Love - Andy

Postmarked Dec. 16, 1994 and received Jan. 29, 1945
Datum: October 30, 1944

Dear Mother and Dad - Three months as a prisoner of war gone by and all is well with me. Dick Scott has had mail so I am looking forward to hearing from you any day now. Winter is approaching here and reminds me very much of home. I hope you are both well and send my love - Andy

Received February 24, 1945
Datum: November 7, 1944

Dear Mother and Dad - Hello, once again. As usual I am fine. Except that it is getting colder life changes little. Still on half rations. To pass the time I have been reading Military History and some Engineering. So far I have had no mail but am still hoping. It will be a great relief to know that all is well at home.

For now love to all,


"I am a little sorry for my daughter not having a Pop on her first Christmas."
November 16th

Dear Mother and Dad

Time is still marching on and as usual I am fine. As this will take time to get to you I must send you Best Wishes for Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Christmas will not be much for me this year but in my mind I will remember some of our old Christmases and know that you will all be happy. You will have to pass on my greetings to all my friends as I am not allowed to write. I am especially reminded of the Grahams, mainly for his very similar experience. I am a little sorry for my daughter not having a Pop on her first Christmas. It would be actually fun getting things for her. I guess Helen will be fairly disgusted with War and our life. We will have so much to catch up when this is all over. I worry about Keith, too. I will be glad to get your first letter and hear how everyone is. Remember me to Jesse and her family. I hope to send Mary a card. And so for this year you will have to excuse; all I can give is Greetings --

