10 Reasons to Get Your Degree Now!

  1. You've earned it. Military service can earn you several education benefits, including the GI Bill and Tuition Assistance. If you have enough time in service to have earned GI Bill benefits, you may be eligible for full tuition coverage and a monthly living stipend. If you are still on active duty, you can use either the GI Bill or your Tuition Assistance, which is worth up to $4,500 a year and can pay up to 100% of your tuition costs.
  2. Degree holders earn more money. That's a fact. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans with degrees, like a BA or BS, have greater earning potential than those with high school diplomas. In addition, master's degree holders typically earn more than bachelor's degree holders.
  3. It can advance your career. Whether you're on active duty or in the civilian workforce, earning a degree can help you get promoted in your current job or get a better job.
  4. It's faster. Your military experience may have already earned you credit. It's not uncommon for servicemembers to find they are half way to an Associate Degree because of their military training. With accelerated programs geared towards working adults, you may be able to earn a degree in less than 18 months.
  5. It's convenient. Online learning has become more and more popular. It's flexible. It doesn't matter where you are stationed or what hours you keep, you study when and where you want -- and earn the same degree that you'd earn on a college campus. Being convenient does not mean it's easy, online courses are as rigorous and demanding as the classroom version.
  6. It's easy to get started. Finding a school that will accept your military benefits, help you through the application process, and give you credit for your service is possible. The American Council on Education has developed a program to help you find the right school. Click here to learn more.
  7. Pursue a new path. Are you thinking that you're in the wrong career? Want to try something new? Let the GI Bill help you pay for it. Earn a degree that interests you. Get certified in a new career field. This is your opportunity to do what you want.
  8. Continuous learning. The opportunity to continue to learn and experience new things can enhance your life, and open new doors.
  9. You don't have forever. If you've already separated from the military, you only have 10 to 15 years to use your GI Bill benefits. It goes by faster than you might think. If you are eligible for Tuition Assistance but, remember that TA is only good while you're still in the military.
  10. WHY NOT? You have the funds. Flexible schedules and online delivery allow you to study when and where you want. You have what it takes - the drive and the discipline. Why not use the military and veteran benefits you've earned to go to school and make more money in your career? You have nothing to lose.

Keep Up With Your Education Benefits 

Whether you need a guide on how to use your GI Bill, want to take advantage of tuition assistance and scholarships, or get the lowdown on education benefits available for your family, Military.com can help. Sign up for a free Military.com membership to have education tips and benefits updates delivered directly to your inbox.

  1. You've earned it. Military service can earn you several education benefits, including the GI Bill and Tuition Assistance. If you have enough time in service to have earned GI Bill benefits, you may be eligible for full tuition coverage and a monthly living stipend. If you are still on active duty, you can use either the GI Bill or your Tuition Assistance, which is worth up to $4,500 a year and can pay up to 100% of your tuition costs.
  2. Degree holders earn more money. That's a fact. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans with degrees, like a BA or BS, have greater earning potential than those with high school diplomas. In addition, master's degree holders typically earn more than bachelor's degree holders.
  3. It can advance your career. Whether you're on active duty or in the civilian workforce, earning a degree can help you get promoted in your current job or get a better job.
  4. It's faster. Your military experience may have already earned you credit. It's not uncommon for servicemembers to find they are half way to an Associate Degree because of their military training. With accelerated programs geared towards working adults, you may be able to earn a degree in less than 18 months.
  5. It's convenient. Online learning has become more and more popular. It's flexible. It doesn't matter where you are stationed or what hours you keep, you study when and where you want -- and earn the same degree that you'd earn on a college campus. Being convenient does not mean it's easy, online courses are as rigorous and demanding as the classroom version.
  6. It's easy to get started. Finding a school that will accept your military benefits, help you through the application process, and give you credit for your service is possible. The American Council on Education has developed a program to help you find the right school. Click here to learn more.
  7. Pursue a new path. Are you thinking that you're in the wrong career? Want to try something new? Let the GI Bill help you pay for it. Earn a degree that interests you. Get certified in a new career field. This is your opportunity to do what you want.
  8. Continuous learning. The opportunity to continue to learn and experience new things can enhance your life, and open new doors.
  9. You don't have forever. If you've already separated from the military, you only have 10 to 15 years to use your GI Bill benefits. It goes by faster than you might think. If you are eligible for Tuition Assistance but, remember that TA is only good while you're still in the military.
  10. WHY NOT? You have the funds. Flexible schedules and online delivery allow you to study when and where you want. You have what it takes - the drive and the discipline. Why not use the military and veteran benefits you've earned to go to school and make more money in your career? You have nothing to lose.

Keep Up With Your Education Benefits 

Whether you need a guide on how to use your GI Bill, want to take advantage of tuition assistance and scholarships, or get the lowdown on education benefits available for your family, Military.com can help. Sign up for a free Military.com membership to have education tips and benefits updates delivered directly to your inbox.