Weekend wrap: Expeditionary links

It was a week that began with the Air Force making a case for its own existence and ended with Adm. Mullen making a case that America's own ally, Pakistan, was stabbing it in the back. So there was a lot going on and many stories we didn't get a chance to write about, including these:

It was a week that began with the Air Force making a case for its own existence and ended with Adm. Mullen making a case that America's own ally, Pakistan, was stabbing it in the back. So there was a lot going on and many stories we didn't get a chance to write about, including these:

• The Pakistanis denied they have anything to do with the Haqqani network, of course, and issued their own ominous warnings that it might be bad for the United States to keep making such scurrilous accusations about links to terror groups.

• AvWeek's Amy Butler wrote that the big-picture situation with Boeing's KC-46A tanker seems pretty good, but there's an unsettled question about whether it can deliver the aircraft it promised it would by a first big deadline in 2017.

• Speaking of aerospace defense giants and major acquisition programs, POGO's Nick Schwellenbach wondered whether DoD is playing down a design flaw in the F-35.

• Did you see where Steve Trimble has photos of a new Chinese UAV that he calls a "Baby UCAV?" It does look pretty similar...

• BAE Systems would like you to watch its new video about its Hawk submission for the Air Force's T-X program, which as you've read here, seems to be a priority for everyone but the Air Force.

• John has a cool story at Defense Tech about the role the Air Force's CV-22 played in a combat search-and-rescue mission you may not have heard about.