Weekend wrap: Expeditionary links

Just when you thought it couldn't get any hotter or more unpleasant in the National Capital Region -- it did. Amidst all the record-breaking temperatures this week, here are a few things we didn't get a chance to write about:

Just when you thought it couldn't get any hotter or more unpleasant in the National Capital Region -- it did. Amidst all the record-breaking temperatures this week, here are a few things we didn't get a chance to write about:

• Secretary Panetta is said to be close to certifying that DoD can go ahead with the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, reports our man Bryant Jordan.

• Did you see where the Air Force may want to keep its A-10 Warthogs flying until 2040?

• Former Secretary Robert Gates signed a book deal this week for a memoir due out in 2013 and a "book on leadership" due the following year.

• John Bennett reports in The Hill that DoD and Boeing are admitting that, yeah, they didn't really expect that $3.9 billion was a realistic price target for the KC-46A.

• Tom Ricks' readers have settled on two surprising contenders for the title of Worst President of the 20th Century -- and they're not who you might have thought blog readers would pick.

• The Christian Broadcasting Network reports that a House Republican lawmaker wants to hold up a long-planned sale of Abrams tanks to Egypt, for fear they'll be used against Israel. What Rep. Allen West may not have realized, and what CBN doesn't report, is that Egypt already has more than 1,000 Abrams tanks.