Northrop Runs Super Bowl Ad for Next Generation Bomber Program

Northrop-SuperBowl-600x400Northrop Grumman will place America's attention on the race to build the next generation bomber in a commercial the defense giant plans to run during the Super Bowl. Below is a sneak peak.

Northrop-SuperBowl-600x400Northrop Grumman will place America's attention on the race to build the next generation bomber in a commercial the defense giant plans to run during the Super Bowl. Below is a sneak peak.

The Air Force wants to build a next generation bomber to replace the B-52 and B-1, and eventually the B-2. Northrop Grumman built the B-2 and highlights it in the commercial before offering a glimpse of the next generation bomber's outline underneath a sheet.

Northrop Grumman is competing against a partnership of Boeing and Lockheed Martin for the rights to build the bomber that the Air Force expects to cost $550 million apiece. Air Force officials hope to introduce the Long Range Strike Bomber to the fleet in the 2020s and build 80-100 of the bombers. 

Here's a link to the video if it doesn't immediately load.
