Video: New Armored Vehicles Replace Armor with Agility

GVX-TThe Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency released a video (below) of what its engineers have in mind for its next generation armored vehicle.

GVX-TThe Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency released a video (below) of what its engineers have in mind for its next generation armored vehicle.

Army and Marine officials have said their service's combat vehicle must get lighter but remain protected on the battlefield. Lightening armor has remained a focus for years.

DARPA wants to accomplish the goal of lightening armored vehicles, but not simply with next generation armor. The Pentagon's research lab wants to design vehicles that can dodge tank rounds and RPGs within the Ground X-Vehicle Technologies program.

In September, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency will host a proposer’s day to give potential contractors a more clear idea of what the Defense Department wants in its Ground X-Vehicle Technologies program.
