Video: Flamethrowers, Syrian Rebel Style

It's been a while since we've shown you any videos featuring the makeshift weapons used by rebels fighting dictators in the Middle East. Well, we've got one today and it's a doozy.

The video below shows Free Syrian Army rebels attacking a government checkpoint, capturing army troops and, wait for it . . . using a fuel truck and its hose -- you know the kind of tanker that resupplies gas stations -- as a mammoth flame-thrower.

All we know about the incident is what Twitter user @NuffSilence said about the video.

Assad army sprayed: "Assad or nobody" on wall of check point in Atareb. #FSA came in & liberated it capturing soldiers

Seriously, watch a couple of minutes of combat around a destroyed Syrian army checkpoint (you'll see a burned out Soviet-made BMP armored vehicle) and some footage of the captured troops. Then, at the 2:40 mark you'll notice some dudes standing next to a tanker truck. For a second, it almost looks like they're high-fiving. Then you realize they're holding a hose and you think they must be trying to put out a fire that you can't see.

However, it appears as if we might actually be seeing one rebel holding up the truck's hose while his buddies light the jet of fuel that comes out of it. Next thing you know, boom, their target is a blazing inferno.

Click through the jump for the video.