From Abbottabad With Hate: Bin Laden's Last Letters

In case there's any doubt in your mind as to why worrying about advanced shoulder-launcehd surface to air missiles is legitimate, take a look at this letter penned by Osama bin Laden that urges al Qaeda to try to shoot down the plane of either President Barack Obama or then Afghan war boss retired Gen. David Petraeus. The letter, published by the Army's Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, is the one of a ton of documents seized during last year's raid by Navy SEALs that killed bin Laden at his home in Abbottabad Pakistan.

Here's a key 'graph from the letter where bin Laden ordered the operation to try to shoot down Obama or Petraeus' planes:

I asked Shaykh Sa'id, Allah have mercy on his soul, to task brother Ilyas to prepare two groups - one in Pakistan and the other in the Bagram area of Afghanistan - with the mission of anticipating and spotting the visits of Obama or Petraeus to Afghanistan or Pakistan to target the aircraft of either one of them. They are not to target visits by US Vice President Biden,SOCOM-2012-0000019-HT

Secretary of Defense Gates, Joint Chiefs of Staff (Chairman) Mullen, or the Special Envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan Holbrook. The groups will remain on the lookout for Obama or Petraeus. The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency for the remainder of the term, as it is the norm over there. Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis. As for Petraeus, he is the man of the hour in this last year of the war, and killing him would alter the war's path.

So please ask brother Ilyas to send to me the steps he has taken into that work.

Biden's wholly unprepared and will lead the US into crisis, eh? It's almost a backhanded compliment to the President from Osama.

Click through the jump to read the rest of the document.

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