Poll: Will the House Cyber Task Force's Recommendations Work?

The widely anticipated report is finally out from the House of Representatives Cyber Task Force. The twenty page document, written by House Republicans, was released last week and as expected, opinions have begun to fly. One person I spoke with has even called the report “superficial.” Perhaps the best part of the document is where it calls for the streamlining of information security regulations. One insider told me that at last count there were over 400 proposed pieces of legislation relating to cyber security. With that as a background, who in their right mind would not support streamlining or eliminating regulations. This would reduce overlapping requirements, and what seem to be contradictory clauses in the bills.

Any piece of cyber legislation must become a living document that is frequently updated to keep step with a threat environment that seems to change by the minute. The report references legislation from 2002 and 1986. Just think back to the cyber environment way then. It is hard to imagine that these laws don’t require updating given the changes that have taken place.

I would hope that a much more detailed, classified -- or at least For Official Use Only -- version of the report exists and that it was given to Cyber Command and others who have a need to know. There are a lot of good things in the report, but like others, I was expecting a bit more.

POLL – Read the report here and then tell us what you think of it in our poll after the jump:

Will the Task Force's Recommendations Mitigate the Cyber Threat?