Weekend Roundup: Bin Laden's Porn and The PLA's Video Games

So, it's your Sunday roundup of the stories we didn't get to last week.

First off, enjoy the video of China's J-20 stealth fighter dumping fuel while flying at a relatively low altitude over populated areas. I guess the aviation authorities figure the highly flammable and toxic jet fuel will evaporate before raining down on anyone.

Oh, and then there's bin Laden's porn stash. Danger Room's Spencer Ackerman may have had the best line of all when describing the dead terrorist with this sentence: "Alone in his compound, he’s beating it like it owes him cash.

And check out the Twitter hashtag for bin Laden porn. Hilarious.

Speaking of the J-20, check out these photos of its fifth test flight here.

China's not only imitating U.S. military hardware but the PLA may also be joining the U.S. Army in making first person shooter video games. It's debut game is called "Glorious Mission" and features the PLA versus the USA. I'm not even gonna say it.