What the!? Rocket Launch off Cali Coast Still a Mystery (updated)

Like I asked an hour ago, anyone know anything about what appears to be a mystery missile launched off the Southern California coast on Monday?

I just heard back from NORAD about it and they still don't know that the object was.

"At this time we are unable to provide specific details but we are working to determine the exact nature of this event," NORAD spokesman Staff Sgt. Thomas Doscher said. "We can confirm that there is no indication of any threat to our nation and will provide more information as it becomes available."

U.S. Navy officials have told a local TV station that it wasn't them and nearby Vandenberg Air Force base says it hasn't launched a missile since last week. How does no one know what this was?

Any suggestions as to what it could be? Did SpaceX founder Elon Musk decide to give the people of Los Angeles a show with some secret new product? Or maybe, as many have suggested, it's just a plane's contrail seen at a weird angle. This would make sense, given the lack of awareness on this event at the Pentagon.

Check out the video below.

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