How Many Soldiers do You See?

A pretty dramatic photo of Soldiers from 2-12 in their MultiCam duds -- everything from full on plate carriers and combat shirts to helmet covers.

A pretty dramatic photo of Soldiers from 2-12 in their MultiCam duds -- everything from full on plate carriers and combat shirts to helmet covers.

When you first look at the pic, which was posted by PEO Soldier the Army on its Flikr page, you can obviously see two Joes. And just with that, it's clear that the MultiCam blends in well with the varied environment they're traversing. But look a little closer and you can see there are at least two more in the frame.

I mean, I'm beginning to wonder whether it's getting a bit too crowded on the Crye bandwagon and might be time for me to jump off, but I must say, in such diverse backgrounds (water, wood, grass, rock, sand, dirt) that MultiCam sure does blend in.

(Gouge: Thanks Tipsters)

-- Christian