When Doomsday Arrives (You're prepared)



It's not too early to be thinking about Christmas, folks. So for that hard-to-please gift recipient, we've brought you a perfect solution to your conundrum.

Think a Nork nuke attack or a poor-man's radiological bomb -- you're just minding your own business playing fantasy football or reading DoD Buzz and *BOOM* the evildoers pop off a 50 gallon drum of old X-ray machines wrapped in C4 sprinkling nuclear fallout all over your favorite dog park.

What do you do?

Grab your handy dandy Dirty Bomb Emergency Kit, that's what.

Nukepills.com (don't you love that name?), an online provider of radiation mitigation medication, sent out a release announcing its new Dirty Bomb Emergency Kit for when the sh&!t really hits the fan...

The Dirty Bomb Emergency Kit is used to instantly detect radiation and safely, quickly and significantly decontaminate people and surfaces of radioactive material most likely found in a dirty bomb using the supplied Quick-Decon resin-based decontamination solutions. The included military-grade RADTriage Personal Radiation Detectors instantly detect radiation exposure in the event of a dirty bomb, nuclear reactor accident, nuclear weapon fallout and other sources of radiation.

(FULL DISCLOSURE: I've always wanted a personal radiation detector)

The web site says the kit costs $250 and works on the entire family. So if you live near Three Mile Island, Manhattan or DC, it might be worth asking Santa for one of these just to be on the safe side.

(Photo: Nukepills.com)

-- Christian

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