The Forested Vales of Afghanistan


Just to clear up some confusion with some readers of yesterday's camo post ("forested vales of eastern Afghanistan.-- lost ma (sic) right here..").

OK, so, maybe the word "vales" wasn't technically right since Afghanistan might not have limestone cliffs. But according to the definition online: "a long depression in the surface of the land that usually contains a river"...and forested? Well, I've seen several in my travels there.

I don't do this that often, but I just thought I had to use my bully pulpit this time to answer my detractors. Let the picture do the talking...

(Photo cutline: Soldiers navigate across a creek during a dismounted patrol in the Nerkh Valley, Afghanistan, June 4, 2009.)

-- Christian


Just to clear up some confusion with some readers of yesterday's camo post ("forested vales of eastern Afghanistan.-- lost ma (sic) right here..").

OK, so, maybe the word "vales" wasn't technically right since Afghanistan might not have limestone cliffs. But according to the definition online: "a long depression in the surface of the land that usually contains a river"...and forested? Well, I've seen several in my travels there.

I don't do this that often, but I just thought I had to use my bully pulpit this time to answer my detractors. Let the picture do the talking...

(Photo cutline: Soldiers navigate across a creek during a dismounted patrol in the Nerkh Valley, Afghanistan, June 4, 2009.)

-- Christian