When You Live Where I Do...

...you need one of these.

...you need one of these.

I've got to admit, I have a thing for Magpul. Young guys, totally unafraid of taking radical chances that blow the paradigm out of the water. And this one is no exception.

In a move sure to freak out every Brady Bill advocate and give NRA nuts a warm, fuzzy feeling inside, Magpul (makers of the Masada rifle) have come up with a new semi-auto submachine gun that folds up into an inconspicuous little book -- or wallet or flashlight...whatever.

Now, I live in a dicey part of DC and when it's dark at night, I like to have a little extra protection against the thugs that harass us gentrifiers (and trust me, it happens plenty in my 'hood). It's as if Magpul thought of me (or my wife) when they came up with this modern day Deringer.

P.S. -- I want to take some time to thank my boy Dave Woroner who sent this item my way. You'll remember Dave from the entry I posted a while back on his TacRail for Beretta M9s. Well, seems they've taken a bit of an interest in his little invention and (fingers crossed) looks like it might become an official accessory. So, if you have time, keep the karma breezes blowing his way and let's hope we've got a bit of a "David-Joins-Goliath" kinda scene here.

-- Christian