Plot Thickens in Texas UFO Crisis

Tonopah redux?

As we reported here a few days back folks in Texas are seeing UFOs and now the Air Force appears to be changing it's story a bit. The plot thickens. This from a report running in's headlines right now:

Tonopah redux?

As we reported here a few days back folks in Texas are seeing UFOs and now the Air Force appears to be changing it's story a bit. The plot thickens. This from a report running in's headlines right now:

Fighter jets were training nearby the night dozens of Stephenville-area residents reported seeing a UFO this month, Air Force Reserve officials said Jan. 23, backtracking on earlier statements.

The announcement did little to satisfy residents of Texas dairy country who swear that what they saw in the sky Jan. 8 was no airplane. Some said it even bolstered their claims, because several people reported seeing at least two fighter jets chasing an object.

"This supports our story that there was UFO activity in that area," said Kenneth Cherry, the Texas director of the Mutual UFO Network, which took more than 50 reports from locals at a meeting last weekend. "I find it curious that it took them two weeks to 'fess up. I think they're feeling the heat from the publicity."

Officials at the Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station in Fort Worth initially said none of their planes had been in the area, but on Wednesday they said 10 F-16s were there that day. The officials said they were mistaken and wanted to set the record straight "in the interest of public awareness."

Public awareness, indeed. Something is rotten in Denmark . . . and Texas. Remember, this is the same organization that developed the F-117 in the Nevada desert for years and years without anybody knowing about it. Have the citizens of Texas been given an unintentional glimpse of a black program?

Read the entire report here.

(Image: Secret base at Tonopah, Nevada where the F-117 was developed.)

-- Ward