The Sunday Paper (Missing Persons Edition)


DT's good friend former NASA astronaut Bill Readdy forwarded along this information, and it seems like a suitable effort for the Defense Tech community to undertake.


DT's good friend former NASA astronaut Bill Readdy forwarded along this information, and it seems like a suitable effort for the Defense Tech community to undertake.

Here's the word as put out by Aviation Week: "In case you haven't heard, there's a worldwide effort to find Steve Fossett and you can help without leaving the comfort of your computer desk. {Here} is everything you need to know to be part of the largest search ever undertaken, thanks to an amazing system called Mechanical Turk that was developed by and uses satellite imagery supplied by DigitalGlobe and other providers.

"Follow the links to review new satellite imagery of the search area and instructions on how to possibly spot Fossett's plane. You can look for a straight scrape in the ground or maybe some letters created out of rocks or other materials that someone on the ground might try to use as a signal. Use your imagination and don't be shy about sounding the alarm."

Go to it DT readers. You can make a difference here. Good hunting.

(Gouge: WR)

-- Ward