The Sunday Paper (Sports Section)


Very soon, maybe today, Barry Bonds will tie Hank Aaron's home run record. When Bonds "goes yard" with Number 755 those who choose to celebrate the achievement will be met with a Greek chorus of sports purists who will suggest that the milestone is tainted if not irrelevant because of allegations that Bonds used steroids for part of his career.


Very soon, maybe today, Barry Bonds will tie Hank Aaron's home run record. When Bonds "goes yard" with Number 755 those who choose to celebrate the achievement will be met with a Greek chorus of sports purists who will suggest that the milestone is tainted if not irrelevant because of allegations that Bonds used steroids for part of his career.

So here's a Sunday Paper question for the learned DT audience: What should we think about Barry Bonds? And what does his quandry say about the state of baseball, professional sports, and the nation?

-- Ward