The Sunday Paper (Style Insert)

Heads up, DT readers: There's a very cool show on the National Geographic Channel tonight at 9 et/pt. It's called "Inside the Green Beret." Check out this snippet:

Heads up, DT readers: There's a very cool show on the National Geographic Channel tonight at 9 et/pt. It's called "Inside the Green Beret." Check out this snippet:

Because we're big deal guys in the biz, we've already seen the show, and we give it our hard-to-come-by "must watch" rating. This documentary gives viewers an intimate look into the rarely-seen world of SF in Afghanistan. These guys at Firebase Cobra are absolutely operating without a net and that they do it for eight months at a time is amazing, to put it mildly.

Steve the producer was also this week's guest on "The Editor's Desk" podcast. (Listen here.)

Of course, this time slot is less-than-ideal for you "Sopranos" fans, but it's 2007. Break out the Tivo.

-- Ward