"Just a Massage, Miss . . ."

Deborah Jeane Palfrey.jpg

The breezes through the corridors of the "five-sided wind tunnel" are gusting this morning with the news that names of prominent Pentagon officials and defense experts may be among the 15,000 on Deborah Jeane Palfrey's list.

Deborah Jeane Palfrey.jpg

The breezes through the corridors of the "five-sided wind tunnel" are gusting this morning with the news that names of prominent Pentagon officials and defense experts may be among the 15,000 on Deborah Jeane Palfrey's list.

"The tentacles of this matter reach far, wide and high into the echelons of power in the United States," the "DC Madam" wrote in a court filing last month. Unsubstantiated reports allege that senior defense officials and a high-ranking principal from a conservative think tank are on Palfrey's list.

The Associated Press reports that Palfrey ran her business from 1993 to 2006 catering to upscale clients in and around the Beltway. Her roster of escorts was 130 strong, ranging in age from 23 to 55. One advertisement she ran read, "Best selection and availability before 9 pm each evening." No doubt!

According to the report, clients paid $300 for 90 minutes of discreet (well, not so much) "high-end erotic fantasy service." (No word on an "ugly early" discount, but it seems like a natural, doesn't it?)

The scandal has already snared boutique warfare specialist Harlan Ullman and Undersecretary of State Randal Tobias, who claimed he had nothing more than massages from the women who visited him.

So, dear DT readers, it's analogy time: Paying a high-end erotic fantasy service associate for a "regular" massage is like . . . what? Help us out.

Best one (as judged by the DT staff) wins recognition in the next "The People's Site" posting.

-- Ward