Rapid Fire 01/08/07 (Updated Again)

* Supremes neg ID suit
* U.S. gunship hits Somalia
* Spy chief ousted over Iran?
* Taser's stylish stun gun
* "Surge" picks up steam...
* ...Top general, ex-commanders skeptical
* Missile radar's secret mission
* GPS airdrops about to take off?
* 50 more years for B-2?
* Help us, Japanese laser-men!
* Vid: Warthog gets nasty
* All-seeing blimp moves ahead
* Wikileaks!

(Big ups: Haninah, RC, AT, EM, Ben, Drudge)

* Supremes neg ID suit
* U.S. gunship hits Somalia
* Spy chief ousted over Iran?
* Taser's stylish stun gun
* "Surge" picks up steam...
* ...Top general, ex-commanders skeptical
* Missile radar's secret mission
* GPS airdrops about to take off?
* 50 more years for B-2?
* Help us, Japanese laser-men!
* Vid: Warthog gets nasty
* All-seeing blimp moves ahead
* Wikileaks!

(Big ups: Haninah, RC, AT, EM, Ben, Drudge)