Rapid Fire 12/19/06 (Updated)

* Iraq's economic boom...
* ...and electrical war
* Attacks at new high
* MySpace dealer, caught
* Skype lie detector? (background here)
* 4th time's the charm for spacewalkers
* Sat, jet in laser link
* Ol' Virginny spaceport opens
* Scots forced to share kilts
* Uranium secretly stashed (sweet!)
* DSB hearts nukes
* Insurgent TV
* Big naval buildup to spook Iran?
* What's an Air Force to do?
* 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds

(Big ups: RC, EO)

* Iraq's economic boom...
* ...and electrical war
* Attacks at new high
* MySpace dealer, caught
* Skype lie detector? (background here)
* 4th time's the charm for spacewalkers
* Sat, jet in laser link
* Ol' Virginny spaceport opens
* Scots forced to share kilts
* Uranium secretly stashed (sweet!)
* DSB hearts nukes
* Insurgent TV
* Big naval buildup to spook Iran?
* What's an Air Force to do?
* 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds

(Big ups: RC, EO)