More "Deadlies": Gliders, Shuttles, Killer Meals

Nominees for the "Deadlies" are piling up...
bleeeech.jpgMichael votes for hang-gliding, ("killed 14 people I knew before I gave it up") while Trainer flips the lethal thumbs-up to the Smart Gun.
"Any male sex device that accurately mimics any part of the female anatomy," pants Lester. "Or the Space Shuttle."
Haninah gives the cold eye to the inflatable rafts they keep stowed away in airplanes. Kevin H., on the other hand, nominates the "Hungry-Man All Day Breakfast" -- a 1030-calorie, 64-gram of fat, 2090 miligrams-of-sodium heart-stopper, from the gourmands at Swanson.
Keep 'em comin'... E-mail or post your picks.

Nominees for the "Deadlies" are piling up...
bleeeech.jpgMichael votes for hang-gliding, ("killed 14 people I knew before I gave it up") while Trainer flips the lethal thumbs-up to the Smart Gun.
"Any male sex device that accurately mimics any part of the female anatomy," pants Lester. "Or the Space Shuttle."
Haninah gives the cold eye to the inflatable rafts they keep stowed away in airplanes. Kevin H., on the other hand, nominates the "Hungry-Man All Day Breakfast" -- a 1030-calorie, 64-gram of fat, 2090 miligrams-of-sodium heart-stopper, from the gourmands at Swanson.
Keep 'em comin'... E-mail or post your picks.