Rapid Fire 11/15/06 (Updated)

* No terror "strategy," says ex-Rummy advisor
* Hez's jihadist troops
* IDF's new training: paintball
* "Hobbit air force"
* Dems love missile defense?
* And the DD(X)?
* Prefab spaceship
* Wireless power?
* Amputees get VR limbs
* Space tour tickets sold out
Columbus comes up for air
* Top ten battle rifles
* 20,000 combat hours for Scan Eagle
* Obviously! Clairvoyant caught Saddam

(Big ups: /., RC, FT, Blackfive)

* No terror "strategy," says ex-Rummy advisor
* Hez's jihadist troops
* IDF's new training: paintball
* "Hobbit air force"
* Dems love missile defense?
* And the DD(X)?
* Prefab spaceship
* Wireless power?
* Amputees get VR limbs
* Space tour tickets sold out
Columbus comes up for air
* Top ten battle rifles
* 20,000 combat hours for Scan Eagle
* Obviously! Clairvoyant caught Saddam

(Big ups: /., RC, FT, Blackfive)