Rapid Fire 10/17/06

* CSI: Baghdad
* Norks' plutonium bomb
* New door buster: "tiny missile"
* Airborne re-arming
* Sat sees whole Earth at once
* Space elevators going up
(background here)
* Only 11 embeds in Iraq
* Mystery catamaran
* Anthrax shots return
* Costs rising for LCS
* Taser bandit on the prowl
* Noah and the Beeb

(Big ups: ACE, RC, MB, EH, Digg)
UPDATE 1:17 PM: That mystery catamaran? Not so mysterious now, thanks to KH.

* CSI: Baghdad
* Norks' plutonium bomb
* New door buster: "tiny missile"
* Airborne re-arming
* Sat sees whole Earth at once
* Space elevators going up
(background here)
* Only 11 embeds in Iraq
* Mystery catamaran
* Anthrax shots return
* Costs rising for LCS
* Taser bandit on the prowl
* Noah and the Beeb

(Big ups: ACE, RC, MB, EH, Digg)
UPDATE 1:17 PM: That mystery catamaran? Not so mysterious now, thanks to KH.