Rapid Fire 09/14/06 (Updated)

* Barnes: "Emphasis on bin Laden doesn't fit with the administration's strategy for combating terrorism."
* DHS pays $266K for free news...
* ...and flunks cybersecurity test
* Free baseball tix for terror drill victims
* Bad news for Army missile defense
* Nuke watchdog vs. US over Iran
* Powell vs. Bush on torture
* Indian army gets wired
* Space station's new solar panels
* Senate screwy over spying
* Haninah vs. IEDs
* All hail the bionic woman
* Happy birthday, tank!
* No pitching? No prob vs. Devil Rays!

(Big ups: RC, Dan, TP)

* Barnes: "Emphasis on bin Laden doesn't fit with the administration's strategy for combating terrorism."
* DHS pays $266K for free news...
* ...and flunks cybersecurity test
* Free baseball tix for terror drill victims
* Bad news for Army missile defense
* Nuke watchdog vs. US over Iran
* Powell vs. Bush on torture
* Indian army gets wired
* Space station's new solar panels
* Senate screwy over spying
* Haninah vs. IEDs
* All hail the bionic woman
* Happy birthday, tank!
* No pitching? No prob vs. Devil Rays!

(Big ups: RC, Dan, TP)