Rapid Fire 06/29/06

buff_nyc.jpg* Buffalos, Cougars take Manhattan
* Supremes: Gitmo trials no-go
* Russia and China get littoral warships, too
* Ultrasound to treat war wounds (background here)
* Raptor goes 108 and 0
* Stealth radar can't be spotted
* Heart-rending goodbye in Ramadi
* Mmmmmm... astroturf!
* VA employee had take-home OK
* Homeland net: lights on, no one home
* Soldiers' families get threats
* Cybersecurity czar: crooked?

(Big ups: BB, RM, EH, DID, CP)

buff_nyc.jpg* Buffalos, Cougars take Manhattan
* Supremes: Gitmo trials no-go
* Russia and China get littoral warships, too
* Ultrasound to treat war wounds (background here)
* Raptor goes 108 and 0
* Stealth radar can't be spotted
* Heart-rending goodbye in Ramadi
* Mmmmmm... astroturf!
* VA employee had take-home OK
* Homeland net: lights on, no one home
* Soldiers' families get threats
* Cybersecurity czar: crooked?

(Big ups: BB, RM, EH, DID, CP)