Rapid Fire 05/29/06 (UPDATED)

* Drone video = Haditha key?
* Air-charter's rocket stockpile
* Darpa goal: bionic arm by '09
* Fewer secrets in '05
* Nanotech means smaller ships?
* Lasers enrich uranium?
* Kiwi crystals of death
* Ft. Hood turns out the lights
* Wings could let paratroopers fly 200 km
* Owen West: Get over 2003, already
* Michel: Haditha "shows the warning signs of infamy... [But] we will not be party to generalizations and nave oversimplifications about... conduct in battle."
* Pantano: don't rush to judge Haditha

(Big ups: CC, RC, DS, Winds, AT)
UPDATE 4:19 PM: Haninah is calling BS on the laser enrichment story.

* Drone video = Haditha key?
* Air-charter's rocket stockpile
* Darpa goal: bionic arm by '09
* Fewer secrets in '05
* Nanotech means smaller ships?
* Lasers enrich uranium?
* Kiwi crystals of death
* Ft. Hood turns out the lights
* Wings could let paratroopers fly 200 km
* Owen West: Get over 2003, already
* Michel: Haditha "shows the warning signs of infamy... [But] we will not be party to generalizations and nave oversimplifications about... conduct in battle."
* Pantano: don't rush to judge Haditha

(Big ups: CC, RC, DS, Winds, AT)
UPDATE 4:19 PM: Haninah is calling BS on the laser enrichment story.