's Voltron Force

voltronformsword.jpgIt's a little like Voltron, really. You remember, the 80s cartoon, where five kids, piloting robotic lions, teamed up to form a super mecha-warrior? Well, the same principle applies to The Overlords at have brought together ten of the cooler defense-related blogs -- sites like Blackfive, Op-For, and Midnight in Iraq. And the whole is greater than the sum of the parts: an easy way to get your milblog fix, all in one click. Check it out. And don't forget your sword.

voltronformsword.jpgIt's a little like Voltron, really. You remember, the 80s cartoon, where five kids, piloting robotic lions, teamed up to form a super mecha-warrior? Well, the same principle applies to The Overlords at have brought together ten of the cooler defense-related blogs -- sites like Blackfive, Op-For, and Midnight in Iraq. And the whole is greater than the sum of the parts: an easy way to get your milblog fix, all in one click. Check it out. And don't forget your sword.