Links Galore in Transformation Motherlode

Future_Soldier_Collage_135.gifWanna get caught up in a hurry on how the world's militaries are changing? Then check out the "Military Transformation Uplink," from Defense Tech pals Murdoc and Joe Katzman. They've culled some of the best stuff from Winds of Change, Defense Industry Daily, eDefense Online, and yours truly for a monthly motherlode of material on how armies everywhere are "transform[ing] themselves to meet the challenges of the 21st century." Click the links below to check out the Uplink's take on...

Some of This Month's Targets of Opportunity Include: UAV plans; killer drone swarms; WALRUS mega-blimp extict?; Russian airlift for NATO; Hydras and Hellfire; space challenges; Secret weapon - two-way radios; Nano-sensors; Fighter jets as battlefield surveillance - brilliant or dumb?; money-saving supercarriers; Littoral Combat Ships; missile defense updates; Algeria's big buy, energy conservation now a Pentagon issue... and much more.

Future_Soldier_Collage_135.gifWanna get caught up in a hurry on how the world's militaries are changing? Then check out the "Military Transformation Uplink," from Defense Tech pals Murdoc and Joe Katzman. They've culled some of the best stuff from Winds of Change, Defense Industry Daily, eDefense Online, and yours truly for a monthly motherlode of material on how armies everywhere are "transform[ing] themselves to meet the challenges of the 21st century." Click the links below to check out the Uplink's take on...

Some of This Month's Targets of Opportunity Include: UAV plans; killer drone swarms; WALRUS mega-blimp extict?; Russian airlift for NATO; Hydras and Hellfire; space challenges; Secret weapon - two-way radios; Nano-sensors; Fighter jets as battlefield surveillance - brilliant or dumb?; money-saving supercarriers; Littoral Combat Ships; missile defense updates; Algeria's big buy, energy conservation now a Pentagon issue... and much more.