loving the bomb detector pt. 2

Vehicle and Cargo Inspection Systems (VACIS) do more than scan cargo entering the borders. "There are a large number of our products deployed to military bases where they are concerned about sensitive material entering or leaving certain facilities," says SAIC executive Terry Gibson.
Carx-ray.jpg Mr. Gibson wouldn't reveal whether these bases include FOBs in Iraq or Afghanistan but the move towards non-intrusive inspection (NII) technology has been underway at the larger facilities since 2004. In January of that year Central Command requested twelve Mobile Vehicles Inspection Systems (MVIS) platforms for Iraq and four for Afghanistan. And with good reason: MVIS platforms like the Mobile VACIS greatly improve the quality of checkpoint searches (especially at night) while reducing the risk to soldiers.
--Geoff Edwards, crossposted at Eephus.

Vehicle and Cargo Inspection Systems (VACIS) do more than scan cargo entering the borders. "There are a large number of our products deployed to military bases where they are concerned about sensitive material entering or leaving certain facilities," says SAIC executive Terry Gibson.
Carx-ray.jpg Mr. Gibson wouldn't reveal whether these bases include FOBs in Iraq or Afghanistan but the move towards non-intrusive inspection (NII) technology has been underway at the larger facilities since 2004. In January of that year Central Command requested twelve Mobile Vehicles Inspection Systems (MVIS) platforms for Iraq and four for Afghanistan. And with good reason: MVIS platforms like the Mobile VACIS greatly improve the quality of checkpoint searches (especially at night) while reducing the risk to soldiers.
--Geoff Edwards, crossposted at Eephus.