Rapid Fire 02/06/06

* Cell tracking gets creepier
* LAPD's "smart darts" find cars
* Holograms vs. hooligans
* Domestic spying story heats up...
- Telcoms fess up!
- Intel officers: it's lame!
- Data-miners: really lame!
- Specter: illegal, too!
- (But Arlen's still a patsy)

* Chuck the go pills, chew caffiene gum
* Livermore's 50 round-per-second gun
* Robo-Osprey takes off
* How 'bout that flea flicker?
* More cash for IED task force
(background here)

(Big ups: Ben, TBV, RC, /.)

* Cell tracking gets creepier
* LAPD's "smart darts" find cars
* Holograms vs. hooligans
* Domestic spying story heats up...
- Telcoms fess up!
- Intel officers: it's lame!
- Data-miners: really lame!
- Specter: illegal, too!
- (But Arlen's still a patsy)

* Chuck the go pills, chew caffiene gum
* Livermore's 50 round-per-second gun
* Robo-Osprey takes off
* How 'bout that flea flicker?
* More cash for IED task force
(background here)
(Big ups: Ben, TBV, RC, /.)