Rapid Fire 01/31/06 PM

* AT&T sued over domestic spying
* Iran caught with nuke weapons plans
* Daley: Every biz must have spycams
(background here)
* Panamanians "run black-ops in Haiti"
* Are we at war,
* Dead drops go high-tech
* Inside the Syrian blogosphere
* US "unaware" of emerging bio-threats
* Good luck detecting border tunnels

(Big ups: Drudge, Kathryn, BC, Boing Boing)

* AT&T sued over domestic spying
* Iran caught with nuke weapons plans
* Daley: Every biz must have spycams
(background here)
* Panamanians "run black-ops in Haiti"
* Are we at war,
* Dead drops go high-tech
* Inside the Syrian blogosphere
* US "unaware" of emerging bio-threats
* Good luck detecting border tunnels

(Big ups: Drudge, Kathryn, BC, Boing Boing)