Rapid Fire 11/14/05

* Google Earth, military app?
* Jetliner defender takes off
* IDF: sonic booms "confuse terrorists"
* "The bioweapon is in the mail"
* G.I. gum, good for teeth
* Bacteria make rocket fuel?
* Nuke lab scientists spooked
(background here and here)

(Big ups: APB, RC, LANL: TRS)

* Google Earth, military app?
* Jetliner defender takes off
* IDF: sonic booms "confuse terrorists"
* "The bioweapon is in the mail"
* G.I. gum, good for teeth
* Bacteria make rocket fuel?
* Nuke lab scientists spooked
(background here and here)

(Big ups: APB, RC, LANL: TRS)