Yesterday, Defense Tech pal Adam Penenberg was reckless enough to invite me down to his business and economics reporting class at NYU's journalism department. I blabbed for a while about my adventures in blogging, and about the manifold ways I had managed to piss my editors, readers, and fellow writers off.
Miraculously, all of the dozen-or-so the students were able to stay awake through the blather (although for a young woman sitting to my right, it seemed like a pretty serious struggle). Even more remarkable were the questions the students asked: BS-free queries about how a writer develops a beat, finds material, and maybe even makes a few bucks in the process.
Adam has the class group-blogging right now. And the results are pretty impressive -- about a thousand times better than the drivel I tried to pass off as journalism in college. Go give 'em a click.

Yesterday, Defense Tech pal Adam Penenberg was reckless enough to invite me down to his business and economics reporting class at NYU's journalism department. I blabbed for a while about my adventures in blogging, and about the manifold ways I had managed to piss my editors, readers, and fellow writers off.
Miraculously, all of the dozen-or-so the students were able to stay awake through the blather (although for a young woman sitting to my right, it seemed like a pretty serious struggle). Even more remarkable were the questions the students asked: BS-free queries about how a writer develops a beat, finds material, and maybe even makes a few bucks in the process.
Adam has the class group-blogging right now. And the results are pretty impressive -- about a thousand times better than the drivel I tried to pass off as journalism in college. Go give 'em a click.