topolm.jpg- Russia is leaning more and more on its nuclear weapons, as its conventional military falls into the toilet.
- Fallujans looking to return home are going to have to give up DNA samples, get their retinas scanned, and wear special badges constantly.
- Scientists have grown a "brain" from a rat embyro's neural cells, and taught it to fly an F-22 jet simulator.
- Arms Control Wonk Jeffrey Lewis tears the Bush administration a new one, over the White House's ten-thumbed attempts to bigfoot the International Atomic Energy Agency.

topolm.jpg- Russia is leaning more and more on its nuclear weapons, as its conventional military falls into the toilet.
- Fallujans looking to return home are going to have to give up DNA samples, get their retinas scanned, and wear special badges constantly.
- Scientists have grown a "brain" from a rat embyro's neural cells, and taught it to fly an F-22 jet simulator.
- Arms Control Wonk Jeffrey Lewis tears the Bush administration a new one, over the White House's ten-thumbed attempts to bigfoot the International Atomic Energy Agency.