Los Alamos has finally committed to a timetable for cleaning out one of its most vulnerable nuclear test sites, the AP reports.
Back in April, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham pledged to get rid of all the the highly enriched uranium and plutonium at Technical Area 18. That's the spot, in '97, where mock insurgents made out with a garden cart full of uranium during a security exercise.
But this is the first time the Energy Department has committed to moving all the nuclear material from TA-18 by a certain date: September of 2005, according to internal documents obtained by our friends at the Project on Government Oversight.

Los Alamos has finally committed to a timetable for cleaning out one of its most vulnerable nuclear test sites, the AP reports.
Back in April, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham pledged to get rid of all the the highly enriched uranium and plutonium at Technical Area 18. That's the spot, in '97, where mock insurgents made out with a garden cart full of uranium during a security exercise.
But this is the first time the Energy Department has committed to moving all the nuclear material from TA-18 by a certain date: September of 2005, according to internal documents obtained by our friends at the Project on Government Oversight.