"A Danish biotech company has developed a genetically modified flower that could help detect land mines," Reuters reports.

The genetically modified weed has been coded to change color when its roots come in contact with nitrogen-dioxide (NO2) evaporating from explosives buried in soil. Within three to six weeks from being sowed over land mine infested areas the small plant, a Thale Cress, will turn a warning red whenever close to a land mine.

Aresa Biodetection, the Danish firm developing the plant, says field tests could begin as early as this year.
(via /.)

"A Danish biotech company has developed a genetically modified flower that could help detect land mines," Reuters reports.

The genetically modified weed has been coded to change color when its roots come in contact with nitrogen-dioxide (NO2) evaporating from explosives buried in soil. Within three to six weeks from being sowed over land mine infested areas the small plant, a Thale Cress, will turn a warning red whenever close to a land mine.

Aresa Biodetection, the Danish firm developing the plant, says field tests could begin as early as this year.
(via /.)