It's the CIA's fault. That's the long-and-short of former chief weapons inspector David Kay's interview in the New York Times today. He says the intelligence agency failed to pick up signs of Iraq's internal chaos, which blocked progress towards nuclear, biological, and chemical arms.
Now, it's true that American intelligence had been saying for years that Iraq had WMD stockpiles. But isn't it just a bit overly-simple to blame the CIA?
After all, there have been many, many reports that our pal Dick Cheney and his cronies pressured CIA spooks into pumping up the WMD threat. Shouldn't they get skewered, too?
THERE'S MORE: Reader MS points out that in his interview with the Times, Kay makes sure to say, "I never got any pressure to find a certain outcome." Sure he didn't.
Slate's Fred Kaplan has more on Kay's "Art of Camouflage."

It's the CIA's fault. That's the long-and-short of former chief weapons inspector David Kay's interview in the New York Times today. He says the intelligence agency failed to pick up signs of Iraq's internal chaos, which blocked progress towards nuclear, biological, and chemical arms.
Now, it's true that American intelligence had been saying for years that Iraq had WMD stockpiles. But isn't it just a bit overly-simple to blame the CIA?
After all, there have been many, many reports that our pal Dick Cheney and his cronies pressured CIA spooks into pumping up the WMD threat. Shouldn't they get skewered, too?
THERE'S MORE: Reader MS points out that in his interview with the Times, Kay makes sure to say, "I never got any pressure to find a certain outcome." Sure he didn't.
Slate's Fred Kaplan has more on Kay's "Art of Camouflage."