Virtually every guerilla attack in Iraq is being "carried out with explosives and matriel taken from Saddam Hussein's former weapons dumps, which are much larger than previously estimated and remain, for the most part, unguarded by American troops," the New York Times reports.

The problem of uncounted and unguarded weapons sites is considerably greater than has previously been stated, a senior allied official said.
The American military now says that Iraq's army had nearly one million tons of weapons and ammunition, which is half again as much as the 650,000 tons that Gen. John P. Abizaid, the senior American commander in the Persian Gulf region, estimated only two weeks ago...
A private American company, Raytheon, has been awarded a contract to destroy the weapons, but it will not begin work until December, one official said.

Virtually every guerilla attack in Iraq is being "carried out with explosives and matriel taken from Saddam Hussein's former weapons dumps, which are much larger than previously estimated and remain, for the most part, unguarded by American troops," the New York Times reports.

The problem of uncounted and unguarded weapons sites is considerably greater than has previously been stated, a senior allied official said.
The American military now says that Iraq's army had nearly one million tons of weapons and ammunition, which is half again as much as the 650,000 tons that Gen. John P. Abizaid, the senior American commander in the Persian Gulf region, estimated only two weeks ago...
A private American company, Raytheon, has been awarded a contract to destroy the weapons, but it will not begin work until December, one official said.