Judge Advocate Continuation Pay

An eligible judge advocate who executes a written agreement to remain on active duty for a period of obligated service specified in the agreement may be paid continuation pay. The following is a summary of what you need to know about continuation pay:

An eligible judge advocate who executes a written agreement to remain on active duty for a period of obligated service specified in the agreement may be paid continuation pay. The following is a summary of what you need to know about continuation pay:

JACP - Total Amount Paid

The total amount paid to an officer under one or more agreements may not exceed $60,000. The term "eligible judge advocate" means an officer of the armed forces on full-time active duty who:

  • Is qualified and serving as a judge advocate; and
  • Has completed his active duty service requirements

Military Continuation Pay Details

The Judge Advocate Continuation Pay Program (JACP) applies to all career status boards and to officers who complete 10 years of service as a judge advocate. Its purpose is to help the JAG Corps retain quality officers by providing relief from the large student loan debts carried by many young JAs making it financially possible for them to remain in the Corps.

The Four Categories of Eligibility for JACP

  1. CVI: $25,000 JACP authorized in exchange for a three-year Active Duty Service Obligation (ADSO) and selection for Conditional Voluntary Indefinite Status (CVI) by a career status board. The JACP ADSO begins the day after the officer's initial service obligation expires or the day after the completion of any voluntary extensions to the initial service obligation, whichever is later. Judge Advocates (JA) who enter the JAG Corps in an Obligated Voluntary Indefinite (OBV) status may apply to a career status board for CVI status after completing two years on active duty as JAGC Officers. Career status boards for CVI status are usually held in April and October each year. Officers must apply for JACP no later than 90 days following the due date of the CVI application.
  2. VI: $25,000 JACP authorized in exchangefor a three-year ADSO and selection for Voluntary Indefinite Status (VI) by a career status board. The JACP ADSO begins on the date TJAG approves the results of the VI board or on the day after completion of any previous continuation pay ADSO, whichever is later. JAs in a CVI status may apply to a career status board for VI status after they have completed five years on active duty as JAs. The career status board for VI status is usually held in October each year. Officers must apply for JACP no later than 90 days following the due date of the VI application.
  3. Branch Transfers: $25,000 JACP authorized in exchange for a three-year ADSO and selection by a career status board for assignment or appointment in the JAG Corps. The JACP ADSO begins on the date TJAG approves the results of the career status board and accepts the JACP agreement. Branch Transfer officers with career status in another branch are automatically considered for assignment or appointment in the JAG Corps after serving two years in JA positions. This category does not apply to Funded Legal Education Program (FLEP) officers. Career Status Boards for Branch Transfer officers are usually held in April and October each year. Officers must apply for JACP no later than 90 days following the due date of the career status application.
  4. 10 Years: $10,000 JACP authorized in exchange for a two-year ADSO. JAs are eligible under this category when they complete 10 years on active duty as a JA providing they do not have more than 12 years Active Federal Service at that 10 year anniversary (and they are serving in a rank less than LTC). The 10-year mark is measured from the completion date of the officer's Judge Advocate Officer's Basic Course. Officers must apply for the 10-year JACP in the fiscal year in which they hit the 10th anniversary of their JAOBC completion.
  5. Taxes: JACP is taxable income and taxes will be deducted from the payments prior to electronic transfer to the officer's account.

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