Navy's Flame Resistant Coveralls


    August 30, 2013 -- NORFOLK, Va. (AP) - The Navy says it will begin distributing flame-resistant coveralls to sailors early next year. The service announced in May it would is phasing in flame-resistant clothing for every sailor who goes to sea. On Wednesday, U.S. Fleet Forces and U.S. Pacific Fleet said it would begin by issuing each sailor serving onboard surface ships and aircraft carriers two sets of the coveralls. The decision came after testing last year revealed the camouflage working uniforms most sailors wear at sea are flammable. The nylon and cotton blend uniforms worn by most sailors aboard ships will burn and melt until they're completely consumed. Each coverall costs $50, with the Navy spending $12 million to research and issue the protective clothing. Army and Marine combat uniforms already are designed to be self-extinguishing.

    US Navy Topics Uniforms