Burglar Breaks Into Marine's House!


    A burglary suspect had the opportunity to visit a local hospital after meeting a Marine whose parents' home he attempted to burglarize Friday. Friday morning, deputies were dispatched to the 12400 block of East Desmet Road where a homeowner had called 911 to report she had come home with her husband, son and daughter-in-law to find their animals outside and a screen door open. The homeowner's son, Marine Corporal Alex Pohle, a 22-year-old infantryman home on leave from Afghanistan, went inside the home to investigate. "I told my wife to stay in the car, as I was walking through the house, I think he heard me saying that to my wife and he was trying to hide in the bathroom," Cpl. Pohle said. A few minutes later, when deputies arrived, they heard yelling coming from inside the home and went in to find Pohle and his father had detained Christopher Schwanke. Pohle later told deputies that he had gone inside his parents' home and found Schwanke, 43, in his mom and dad's bedroom. "You broke into my house, I'm not letting you go," Pohle recalled telling the burglar about to have a bad day. Pohle said that he found Schwanke red-handed with a bag full of his family's jewelry and hunting gear. Schwanke tried to shut the door on him, which wasn't an intelligent choice, according to the Spokane County Sheriff's Office.

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